Tempt Fortune by Hebby Roman

Tempt Fortune by Hebby Roman

Author:Hebby Roman [Roman, Hebby]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Historical, Multicultural, Marriage of Convenience, Scarred Hero/Heroine
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Published: 2015-01-15T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Twelve

“It was nice of you to hire a buggy to take me for a ride.” Destiny tried to sound enthusiastic. Inside, she was dying by slow, painful inches. She’d agreed to this outing for one reason, to tell Nathan her heart belonged to another.

The day after the picnic, James had called on her. He’d humbly apologized and explained his business trip to Tampa had been postponed. His mother had already committed their family to accompanying the Browns to the picnic. He claimed there had been no way he could get out of it.

She had accepted his apology but on one condition; she wanted to be presented to his family. He’d agreed to do so, but unfortunately, his parents had left for Tampa for the delayed business trip and to visit friends. When they returned, he promised to present her to them. In the meantime, he’d invited her to a dinner party at the home of his married sister, Jennifer Shaw.

Once James had promised to introduce her to his family, she’d made up her mind. She couldn’t keep Nathan dangling. After all, the man wanted to marry her. The sooner she told him, the sooner he would forget her and find another.

But when she thought about not seeing Nathan again, she experienced a sharp pain in the general region of her heart. She liked and admired him a great deal. He’d been a good friend and loyal champion. She would miss seeing him, miss talking with him. She blushed to think about it, but she would miss his kisses as well.

Nathan smiled at her and snapped the reins, urging the matched bays forward. “I have another surprise for you; I’m taking you to see my ship, the Columbia. She’s in port being refitted, and the crew has shore leave. This is a perfect time for you to look around.” He cleared his throat. “Without prying eyes watching.”

“Oh, that sounds wonderful.” She wanted to seem enthusiastic, but she didn’t know how long she could keep up the charade.

When would be the best time to tell him? Not yet. She knew how much his ship meant to him. The least she could do was let him show her his ship. And she didn’t want to tell him on the Columbia, either. It might jinx his ship. Having been raised by a seafaring family, she knew how superstitious sailors could be.

When then? She couldn’t put it off forever, though her cowardly inclinations urged her to do so. Sighing, she decided to tell him when he brought her home.

“I can’t wait to show you my ship, but we’ll have our buggy ride first. It would be a waste if we just drove to the wharf and back. Don’t you think so?”

Destiny gritted her teeth, realizing he had already planned the afternoon. She hadn’t wanted to drag this thing out, but she didn’t see any other option.

She smiled stiffly and nodded.

He turned onto Duval Street and went east, heading away from the wharf, to the less populated part of the Key.


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